Friday, December 31, 2010

Started off on my journey

Here I am - get set, ready, GO. I am spending my new year eve with my books(love,huh??). I just got started with the MGMAT books - Foundations of GMAT Math. The math foundation book book is a nice refresher,although I was able to recollect a lot of the stuff in the book. This is a 326-page book that takes us methodically through all the basic concepts required to build a strong Math foundation for the GMAT. After my last attempt on the GMAT, I realized that it would be a good idea to review some basic grammar so that it helps my verbal score. I went to my local public library yesterday and browsed through the selection of grammar books that were available on the shelf. I found one book particularly attractive because of its structure and flow. This is the book.The structure of this book is very complementing to the MGMAT SC book so makes it even easier to understand the MGMAT SC book. This is something that I failed to do in my last GMAT test. Now I know how important it is to get the basics right.

Today's tasks:
1. Review of first 2 chapters of MGMAT foundations of GMAT Math
2. Go through the basic grammar book and covered 3 chapters

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Live and breathe the GMAT

Ok,I am back. After an attempt at the GMAT, I plan to meticulously study for it this time and crack it with a 700+ score. A  new attempt means some new study materials and a new strategy. I just scheduled the test for March 26 2011 12 noon. I realized that last time, I was a little sluggish in the morning and only by 11 AM I am really alert. I googled for the best GMAT books and found that I need to incorporate the MGMAT Strategy guides completely into my study plan. I'm going to also check my local library for some copies of the Kaplan Math workbook and Kaplan Verbal workbook.